"Love Letter Exchange with God - Making a Masterpiece"

Good Morning,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Making a Masterpiece"

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
Ephesians 2:10 
My child,
Because of my love for you, I brought you to life, physically and spiritually. Due to the wealth of my favor for you, I offered you the opportunity to become one with Christ. I gave you the greatest gift all – the gift of a forever life with me. 

Now I am chiseling at the rough edges in your life to make you my masterpiece – the beautiful version of you I intended when I created you. Some of your flaws need to fall away completely. Other aspects need a little shaping. 

Your traits that reflect me need to be exposed and made more prominent. This involves diminishing what obscures them. I know that is painful, sometimes. But it will be worth it. This process allows you to better participate with me in my awesome plans and purposes. The goal is for your heart to become more closely aligned with mine.

You were without hope and help, but now you belong to me. That belonging brings you endless, infinite, beautiful possibility. You are a part of my exquisite living temple I am crafting by expertly joining you together with your brothers and sisters. 

I want your life to point others to my perfection. Don’t strive to do this. You can only glorify me when you allow me to empower that work in you. I have everything you need and am more than willing to share.
I love you,
My Abba,
I love that the word translated in this verse as “masterpiece” is the Greek word “poiema” from which we derive our word “poem.” I want to be your masterpiece, your poem you create and speak into the world. 

When I watched a short film just now on a stone carver’s process of creating a masterpiece, I think I gained some insight on your process of creating and refining us. Just as it is with stone carving, working with our soul material is an expensive process. Your work in us can cost us in some ways, but your investment is immeasurable. 

Like stone we are not easily malleable and while we are in process, the project may not look worthwhile. The stone carver spoke of needing to be intimately acquainted with the subject to create something beautiful. She described it as hard work with a lot of dust, but loved that her creations held a unique place in the world and had permanence. 

I know, at times, it is difficult to refine my features. Those who witness your extravagant efforts to sculpt me might doubt if anything beautiful could ever come from all this sweat and dust. Thank you for being intimately acquainted with me and persistently investing in me, despite how I might look while under construction. Thank you that as one of your creations I have a unique, permanent place in your Kingdom.

Make me the image bearer you want me to be. Uncover the masterpiece you envision. I want to be single-minded, wholly devoted to you, but that is impossible apart from you. I am not up to the challenge of living for your glory without you.

Smooth my rough edges with your rich mercy and tender love today, so I can do the good things you planned for me long ago. Please equip me with everything I need to become your masterpiece – a radiant display of your splendor.
I love you,

photo: jpchret

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