"Love Letter Exchange with God - No Strut or Grovel"

Good Afternoon,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"No Strut or Grovel"

“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 14:11

Humble – to have a truthful opinion of one’s self

Exalt – to raise to a higher rank or a position of greater power

Worthy - deserving effort, attention, or respect
My Abba,
I realize that sometimes I don’t practice humility. I don’t hold a truthful opinion of myself. My beliefs don’t agree with reality. I may feel like I have failed, when I have succeeded. Or I may feel successful, when I have failed. I react in different ways when I am not resting in the reality of who you say I am. I may try to make myself appear more (or less) important. 

When I succumb to a false view of myself, my self-esteem can wither into something frail and ant-like, striving for recognition of my own significance. Or, I may play with false humility. When that happens, I can babble about how flawed I am as a subconscious, or conscious, tactic for gaining affirmation. These are definitely times when I am not listening to you and your truth.

When I feel secure in whom you have made me to be, I don’t try to disparage myself, or push the parade of my importance. I can sit in the least prestigious spot at the table and feel content in my own skin, because I don’t feel invested in promoting my significance. Perhaps then, I have your view of humility.

I want to have a right view of my worth – a truthful opinion of myself. Please silence the other voices and saturate my heart with your flawless view of me.
I love you,
My child,
You have several faulty strategies for relieving the pain of feeling unworthy. But no matter to what you resort, my opinion of you is the cure. 

Our enemy and the world lie to you about your value. They tell you your value is based on your performance. Hollow accomplishments are touted as paramount. What is eternally important is demeaned.

But whose opinion of you matters more than mine? I created you and am re-creating you each day as you surrender to me. Because I am your Creator and Re-Creator, I am the only one who has the right to tell you who you are. You are valuable because what I create is priceless.

Because you belong to me, you are worthy of all my good gifts. You don’t have to make yourself righteous enough to receive from me. You could not, so I have accomplished that for you through your relationship with my Son.

You get off-track when you allow others to define you. Don’t perform for the approval of humans. They are fickle and, even on their best days, unable to assess you flawlessly.

You are my beloved child. Embrace how unconditionally and perfectly I love you! The more you allow me to wrap you warm in my love, the more you will embrace who you truly are. 

No need to strut or grovel. Because I created you in my image and love you, I guarantee you are worthy - deserving effort, attention, and respect. Through me, you can be steadfastly secure in the truth of who I say you are.
I love you,

photo: manganganath

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