"Love Letter Exchange with God - Treasured"

Good Morning,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,


“For you are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure. The Lord did not choose you and lavish his love on you because you were larger or greater than the other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! Rather, it was simply that the Lord loves you ...”
Deuteronomy 7:6-8

Special: exceptionally precious, belonging specifically to a particular person, designed for a particular person or purpose

Treasure: to keep carefully, to value highly

My child,
I treasure you more than all the elegant mountain peaks I have ever fashioned and draped in exquisite winter white. I love you more than centuries of gilded sunrises emerging from the arms of ebony horizons. I value you more than every dazzling constellation I kindled and spun into space.

You are exceptionally precious to me. I designed you for myself and my unique purposes. You belong to me. I chose you to be my own special treasure. I do not lavish my love on you because you are nicer, smarter, holier or better than others. I do it simply because I cherish you. That is the way of perfect love. At times, I let you go without what you desire to enhance your appetite for my resources and me. In those seasons, I give you an opportunity for deepening trust in me. I want you to remember that you need me. 

I sometimes show my love by supplying heavenly “manna,” when you are acutely aware of your hunger for my rescue. If I never allowed you to get hungry, do you think you would savor the delight of my gifts? Real life is in me. I want you to lean into my words and presence so that you are supernaturally satisfied. Then when we walk out into the world together to serve others, you will be overflowing with my power and love.

Remember the indescribable satisfaction you feel right now. That is what you can experience every day as you feast on my truth in my presence. When you depend on me for what you need, it reminds you who provides for you. I don’t want you to pin your hopes on your own strength and energy. Every breath you take is a gift from me. I am the one who holds you together. Remember this, if you are tempted to believe you built the abundant life you live. The one who treasures you most is always providing for you.
I love you,

My Abba,
Many times I don’t embrace the truth that I am your special treasure set apart for your plans and purposes. When I look at definitions, it seems like a treasure is something, or someone, deeply loved and highly valued. 

As the deep music of these words resonates in my heart, I find myself weeping over my keyboard. Your lavish love takes my breath away. The truth that you value me the way you do is difficult to wrap my heart around.  

The world whispers of my insignificance, “You are not accomplished enough, healthy enough, smart enough, young enough, or wealthy enough.” I can forget I am infinitely loved and highly valued by the only one with perfect eyesight and a flawless opinion. 

When there is hardship in my life, please remind me of how you can use that distress to create a heightened dependence on you. Please remind me that the experience of circumstantial lack in my life does not demonstrate a lack of your love. I know your perfect love cannot wane or be diminished in any way.

Please give me new eyes to see how you treasure me today!
I love you,


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