"Love Letter Exchange with God - Be My Rescue"

Good Afternoon,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Be My Rescue"

“For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light.” Psalm 56:13

Rescue: save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation, keep from being lost or abandoned

Trust: a firm belief in the strength, truth, ability, or reliability of someone or something

My Abba,
I am immeasurably grateful that your once-and-for-all rescue through Christ brought me into a forever, life-giving relationship with you. Thank you for rescuing me from eternal death. The endless absence of your presence is not something I would want for my worst enemy. I cannot conceive of an eternal void of love, joy, beauty, pleasure, peace, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness – everything you are. But I realize your rescue is, also, a daily rhythm. Each day you give me the opportunity to choose what brings life or what does not.

So many lifeless beauties hiding behind perfectly painted masks vie for my attention. They strut through my life every day howling about their ability to satisfy my soul. You never howl at me. You just offer to quietly escort me into life. Your vibrant Spirit animates my heart and mind with the joy of true freedom. 

When I walk in your presence, I always find your life-giving light to be perfectly authentic. No false advertising. You are endlessly better than the best opinion I could ever form of you. Please liberate me from all the ways I settle for what is less than you and your desires for me. Keep my feet from slipping. Captivate my heart. Be my Rescue.
I love you,

My child,
You don’t have to wait until you are free from your journey on earth to enjoy the life I offer. Our relationship is forever and now. I want to be on adventure with you every day, rescuing you from the imitations, counterfeits – the man-made life for which you might be tempted to settle. Sometimes when you are in a dangerous or distressing situation, you don’t realize it. My rescue can appear misguided, confusing or disappointing to you. 

I want you to remember I am always trustworthy even when you can’t make sense of things. I am infinitely strong, truthful, able and reliable. One way you might try to cope with the pain of your today is to live in tomorrow. But that strategy robs you of the joy I have for you in the present. If your eyes are always fixed on the future, you will miss the beauty you can experience with me today. Even when the trail is rough, there is splendor in my presence. 

I can show you my magnificence as we traverse smooth meadows or saw-toothed cliffs. Let me reveal what you cannot see with human eyes. Walk with me today in my life-giving light. I am your Rescue.
I love you,


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