"Love Letter Exchange with God - Waking to Wonder"

Good Morning,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Waking to Wonder"

“Everyone was gripped with great wonder and awe, and they praised God, exclaiming, ‘We have seen amazing things today!’” Luke 5:26

Wonder: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable

My child,
Your worship makes me smile. You are enjoying what you were created for – celebrating the wonder of knowing me. I want you to always remember the joy you are experiencing now. 

Don’t forfeit this joy for anything or anyone else. Don’t trade what is enduring, pure and imperishable for what will disappear faster than all those presents dressed in festive wrap under your Christmas tree. Remember that empty ache you sense after all the earthly trappings of the holidays are over. That is how passing pleasure works – promising you the sun and moon but delivering the light of a flickering match that will soon be snuffed out. 

The joy you find in me will not quiver and can never be extinguished. Every morning I want you to wake to a glorious beginning, wrapped in my tender mercies, as you are transformed into a vibrant instrument of my praise. 

I want your life to sing of my mercy, faithfulness, love and grace. I want your life to sing of my beauty, holiness, kindness and goodness. I want my music to play so deeply in your heart that the unmistakable melody of my ardent love will echo in the hearts of those around you. 
I love you,

My Abba,
I want to wake each morning to this immeasurable pleasure of being with you. Right now, the delight you are pouring into me makes me feel like I will break open. I do not have any words that seem fitting to respond to your love. I am so grateful you can witness the overwhelming joy you have created in my love-steeped heart. Right now that is all I have to offer.

This life is hard and crazy. I don’t want to do the hard and crazy without you. I would not want to wake up at all, if that were all there was. But your mercies are new every morning. I wake and nothing about you lost its luster during the night. You are still gloriously perfect in every way. 

You are a matchless, loyal companion. Your unswerving devotion to me changes my perception of everything around me. Even when life is excruciating, you don’t discard me to be devoured by the pain. Your life-giving presence brings me inextinguishable joy. Thank you that we are inseparable. Thank you that I am forever yours. I love being loved by you.

I want to see your beauty, even before I open my eyes each morning. Please make me increasingly sensitive to who you are. Let me enjoy you in new ways today. Surprise me! I want to be a child wowed by the wonders of knowing you.
I love you,

art: dyed4youArt

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