"Love Letter Exchange with God - Blinded by Love"

Good Afternoon,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

“Blinded by Love”

“Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.” 
1 John 5:21

Usurp: take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force, from Latin: usurpare ‘seize for use.’

My Abba,
I want you to be God of my heart. Though my heart, mind and body navigate the gauntlet of a challenging day, I still want to be captivated by your presence. I want the joy and peace only you can bring in the midst of the trials and chaos. 

Please make me more aware of the things that tend to take the place only you deserve in my heart. Right now, I am imagining a magnificent throne room where I tell a powerful king to give up his rightful place of honor to make room for my flimsy idols to rule his kingdom. Even if the king were human, that would be absurd. But you are not flesh and blood. You are the eternal, infinite King of the universe. 

I think what I recognize today as being potential usurpers are: 
·     Physical comfort
·     Relationships with people
·     Human approval
·     Success (as defined by me)
·     Busyness 
·     Entertainment

Is there anything else I need to recognize and guard against? Is there anything else I am allowing “to seize me for use?” Please show me when I am dabbling or plunging headlong into the cavernous abyss of the inconsequential. I don’t want to deify the details in my story. 

I want you, the God of the universe, to share sovereignty over my affections with nothing, and no one, else. You are the only one worthy of the throne of my heart. Placing anything else there to play king is miscasting and a ludicrous sham. 

I know in reality you have all the power and authority. Don’t let me be deceived by pseudo rulers dressed up in extravagant, convincing costumes. Please remind me to turn away from anything or anyone who might masquerade as something or someone worthy of my worship. 

Captivate my heart, my God and King. 
I love you,
My child,
There is an effective way to put distance between you and the things that sometimes play god in your life. But it is not by spending all your time and energy running from your potential usurpers. The way you will succeed in putting me, first and foremost, is by training your gaze on me. 

It is much more about the “do” than the “don’t.” I am the one true God. And the more firmly you grasp that, the more you will realize nothing else can compete. As you continue to spend time with me in prayer, worship, the Scriptures, walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in friendship with others who love me, the more my life and light will win the full affections of your heart.

Nothing you can imagine in your wildest dreams can compare to my perfection. Let me expand your sense of who I am. I will usher you into a place where you are blinded to the lesser things by my magnificent presence and flawless love.
I love you,

photo: smileus

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