"Love Letter Exchange with God - The Voice"

Good Afternoon,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"The Voice"

“He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice. They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice.” 

“Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” 
John 10:3b-5, 9-10
My Abba,
Despite the thief’s attempts to ransack my relationship with you, I hear your familiar, confident, soothing voice inviting my soul into your delight. I recognize your voice because I know you. You have faithfully tended the unruly flock of my heart, mind, body and soul, since you created me.

Our enemy’s dissonant and demanding voice bullies, shames, and lies to me. Your voice blesses me, tells me truth, and builds me up. I never want to miss the magnificent sound of you calling my name. Please make me increasingly sensitive and responsive to what you are saying. 

Christ describes himself as my means of access or entry to an unbreakable connection with you. Thank you for painstakingly forging this way for me to follow you.

I like the image of enjoying green pastures with you wherever I go after passing through your gate. I imagine the opportunity to run barefoot through a cool carpet of lush emerald fields with you, even when the valley of the shadow threatens to hold my tranquility hostage. 

Wherever I go, there you are. And in your presence, no one, and nothing, can consume my peace. I always find green pastures – all that is vital and abundant.

Today in my imagination, (as in Psalm 23) a pristine, iridescent ribbon of water curls through the pasture I enjoy with you. Life, in all its fullness, seems brilliantly visible.

Thank you that as my Shepherd, you know me completely, love me fully, and are concerned about all my needs. Thank you that you stand up for me when the wolves circle, and you fill my soul with authentic, unstoppable, supernatural life.
I love you,
My child,                                                                                 
I call you by name because you are mine and I want your full attention. Even in a boisterous crowd, I want you to be present to me – alert to my voice – so I can lead you into the extraordinary plans I have for you. 

Sometimes the blaring merry-go-round music of this life can numb your soul making it difficult for you to hear me call your name. Make space for your heart and mind to breathe and rest. 

I don’t want you to simply admire those luxurious green pastures I have for you. I want you to truly rest and allow me to restore your soul.

Rest with me and rise invigorated by my Spirit. You will be surprised how much more clearly you can tune into my voice amidst the masses when you have focused on listening to me in solitude. 

It does not help your hearing to stumble from one week into the next, driven by the relentless beat of your schedule’s pounding drum. Fatigue creates that voracious ringing in your ears and makes you vulnerable to the “stranger’s” voice.

His fiendish impersonation is only convincing if you listen. I can help you make a quick retreat at his first whisper. Don’t waste a moment on his slippery tales. He never met a truth he did not want to subtly twist or utterly distort.

I will always tell you the truth. You will find nourishing candor in the pastures of my presence and thrive in the reality of my love. My purpose is to give you a rich, satisfying life – now and forever.
I love you,

photo: kesu87

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