"Love Letter Exchange with God - Delicate Work"

Good Afternoon,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Delicate Work"
“Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So, use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” Romans 6:13

Instrument: a tool or implement, especially one for delicate or scientific work, something used in pursuing an aim

Delicate: skillful, highly sensitive
My child,
Who will you serve today? You can give yourself to what is good or evil. You can be an instrument of life or death. That may sound like an easy choice. But even today, it will be challenging for you to choose every life-giving path I created for you. 

Reliance on me is your only hope. I can give you the power to choose well. I created you to give yourself completely to me. Nothing kept in reserve. No private cache. Nothing held back for a rainy day. 

By my power, I gave you a new life. You were dead spiritually, but I raised you from your tomb. Now you are alive for all eternity. Do you hear my music? Go ahead. Drop those grave clothes and dance with me. 

Leave your past hurts, disappointments, and failures right there. You don’t have to be hobbled by those spiteful phantoms with two left feet. I want to be your forever partner, and I have all the best moves.

Each day, I offer you the opportunity to follow my lead and be used in the pursuit of my highest aim. I can empower you as a skillful, sensitive instrument for my glory. 
I love you,
My Abba,
I want to always choose to serve you – at least in theory. When I possess the slightest grip on reason, it appears to be the glaringly obvious choice for me. I want to be a life-giving instrument in your hand.

But sometimes, I take my eye off the prize and my mind can get crisscrossed and jumbled up in poor choices. Please give me everything I need to choose well today. When my heart gets disoriented, I forget you resurrected me for an awe-inspiring, new life. Please don’t let me keep one foot in the grave. I want to relish the freedom for which you set me free.

When I think about using my “whole body as an instrument to do what is right” for your glory, I know I need your rescue. Several times in the last few days, my mouth (a chronically wayward part of my body) has not pursued your glory. Please forgive me.

Flood my heart with your love, peace, forgiveness, and grace, so that I can love others well from the overflow of my heart. Experience tells me the speech springing from that practice can make my mouth an instrument of blessing, participating in what is right for your glory. 
I love you,

photo: webandreasonlinecom

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