"Love Letter Exchange with God - Homesick"

Good Afternoon,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,


“Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ.” Philippians 1:27a

“But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives.” Philippians 3:20a 

Citizen: a person who owes allegiance to a government and possesses certain rights, privileges and responsibilities because of their status
My Abba,
When I think about the word “citizen,” it reminds me of the road my friend Ana* took to become a citizen of the United States. She was focused in her pursuit of citizenship, trying to shed anything that would hold her back. 

I think Ana was exceedingly grateful for her opportunity because she had a different point of reference than most of us. A voracious hopelessness consumed her childhood. She subsisted in a small Mexican town that slumped under the weight of corruption, violence and poverty. In contrast, the U.S. (with all its flaws) offered Ana real opportunities. She could experience freedom to live, work, and provide for her family. Her children could be educated and have an opportunity to thrive. 

When Ana took her oath, she cherished her privileges and rights as a citizen of the United States, far more than most of us who were born in this country. She conducted herself in a manner worthy of her new citizenship.

When I read about what is expected of a citizen of the United States, I feel convicted. A few expectations that stand out are: loyalty to our country, obedience to our laws, respect and sacrifice for our country and its citizens. As a citizen of the U.S., I fall short. But when I consider my status as a citizen of heaven, I need (even more so) your supernatural transformation. I want to demonstrate the loyalty, obedience, respect, and sacrifice fitting for one of your ambassadors. 

I know I don’t always fully appreciate my now, or future, with you. I want to cherish the privileges and rights you grant me as a citizen of heaven. I want a heart that welcomes the responsibilities that accompany those privileges and rights.

Sometimes I feel too content with dual citizenship, half of my heart clinging to this life, the other half stretching toward heaven. Please give me a homesick heart that wholly longs to be with you, while on mission for you in another country.
I love you,
My child,
As you increasingly embrace the joy-filled reality of heaven, you will experience an unquenchable yearning to see me face to face.

Many times you ache for heaven when pain wears you down, compromising your clarity. But in truth, heaven is infinitely better than even the finest utopian script you could write for yourself.

Ultimately, being my ambassador to those I put in your life is the reason I extend your stay on earth. I want you to demonstrate the culture, values and practices of my kingdom. By the power of my Spirit, you have the opportunity to represent me to others by conducting yourself in a manner worthy of the Good News of Christ. 

Helping others to know, love, glorify, and enjoy me is your vast privilege and high calling as a citizen of heaven. 
I love you,
*Ana is a pseudonym.
photo: antonioguillem

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