"Love Letter Exchange with God - Wired for Worship"

Good Evening,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Wired for Worship"

“So the priest of the temple and the crowd brought bulls and wreaths of flowers to the town gates, and they prepared to offer sacrifices to the apostles. But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard what was happening, they tore their clothing in dismay and ran out among the people, shouting, ‘Friends, why are you doing this? We are merely human beings—just like you! We have come to bring you the Good News that you should turn from these worthless things and turn to the living God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them.’” Acts 14:13-15

Worship: treat (someone or something) with the reverence and adoration appropriate to God, ORIGIN: Old English, acknowledgment of worth (worth,-ship) 

Worth: sufficiently good, important, or interesting to justify a specified action, high value or merit

My Abba,
How gut wrenching it must have been for Barnabas and Paul to risk their lives to deliver the message of your love and have people completely miss you. Paul and Barnabas wanted them to worship you because they realized you are the only one worthy of worship. But the people wanted to worship the messengers, instead. 

This passage reminds me we are wired up to worship. We want to worship something. Anything. We revere sports teams, film and music stars, political figures, material possessions, etc. You obviously created us with this ache to stand in awe of you ... the perfectly Worthy One. I love the origin of the word “worship.” Acknowledging your worth is what I do when I worship you.

Unfortunately, sometimes, I think I try to appease that yearning to worship you by worshiping worthless things. Through the way I spend my time, I demonstrate what I believe is worthy - deserving of my effort, attention and respect. My choices show that I fall for some fraud gods, at times. I can discreetly enthrone usurpers, crowning them with my admiration. I do myself a terrible disservice. I rob myself of the pleasure of your presence.
I want to choose well. I seem to make better decisions on how to invest my heart during the day. But in the evening when fatigue and pain wrestle my wisdom and resilience to the mat, I tend to give myself, more often, to inferior things. Please give me the courage (especially when I am tapped out) to ask the question, “Will investing myself in this enhance or dull my connection with you?” Even as I pose this question, I can feel my heart instantly squirm in retreat from the weight of this inquiry.

Don’t let me flee the scene. Don’t allow me to evade the truth. Please convince me each day that this question is worth asking. Then give me the grace to listen and walk in the wisdom of true worship.
I love you,
My child,
Now and forever, you are created to declare my worth. I am the only one worthy of your worship. I promise you will never run out of things to admire in me. Remember you don’t just worship (acknowledge my worth) through song. You demonstrate your adoration through the way you think, speak and live.

As you see me more clearly, you will find increasing pleasure in devoting your attention to me. You and I both deserve every effort you can possibly make to worship me. The closer you get, the better I look. Forever.

Think about how delusional it sounds when you place anyone’s name but mine into the statements I just made. Trying to deify lifeless things, or another human, will leave you desperately disappointed. Don’t make anyone your God, but me. It will turn out badly, not only for you, but also for the object of your worship. The weight of misplaced worship will damage and disfigure your idols.

Even in the small ways you choose to spend your time, you can show your reverence and adoration for me. Dedicate yourself to me and live a life of worship. Your choices will honor me, and you will walk in the joy-filled devotion for which I designed you. 

I created you to worship. Worship the only One who is worthy.
I love you,

Photo: nastyaofly

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