"Love Letter Exchange with God - Free to Live"

Good Afternoon, 
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Free to Live"

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20
My Abba,
This is one of those passages I memorized many years ago, and yet, it still brings up so many thoughts when I meditate on it. It seems Paul means that although he still lives in his flesh, he is no longer living for his flesh. His sin nature is no longer boss. It has been deposed. Relieved of its ultimate authority. It no longer rules over him. 

He chose an exchange, a trade. Instead of living to serve the desires of his sinful nature, he chose to live for you and your desires. Not that he always got it right, but he focused on living in devotion to you, trusting you. He owed his life to you because he would have no real life without you.

It reminds me of some movies I have seen where the hero saves someone’s life, and then, the person who is rescued devotes himself to the service of the rescuer. 

The difference is you actually live in us, giving us the power to live a life of devotion to our Rescuer. The true life that I live is empowered by your love. When I live by faith, I live trusting you to give me what I need to serve you, my Savior. 

I would not have real life without you. Please make that truth paramount in my heart and mind today. It is no sacrifice to gratefully live the life you give me the power to live.
I love you,
My child,
The world tells you that your best life is found in following every whim your flesh entertains. That is a lie. You will never find the life for which I created you by chasing those shadows and deceptions. 

As soon as you satisfy one appetite, there will be another hungry, demanding mouth to feed. That longing, and then the next, will try to make you its servant. You will be tossed from one futile craving to another, as the waves of this world continuously roll in.

You can choose to be devoted to your fickle appetites or to real life with me, your Maker. I created you and rescued you from death. You don’t ever have to live among the tombs again. I gave you life so that you could really live. True life is found only in me. What does true life in me look like? Let me remind you of a few of the realities.

Through the sacrifice of Christ’s life, I have secured your forever with me. I guide you, give you light, wisdom, and an ever-increasing revelation of who I am. I empower you in your weakness, carry your burdens, encourage, and strengthen you. I give you meaningful work and purpose in my kingdom. I am your nourishment, refuge, joy, and peace. I listen to the cries of your heart and give you freedom. I have even given you my Spirit to fill your heart with my love.

I understand life. I am Life and the Author of all life. No one understands life like I do. Trust me. Lean into my Spirit today and truly live.
I love you,

photo: pictrider

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