"Love Letter Exchange with God - Azure Oceans"

Good Morning,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Azure Oceans"

“How joyful are those who fear the Lord – all who follow his ways! You will enjoy the fruit of your labor. How joy-filled you will be! How rich your life!” Psalm 128:1-2
My Abba,
I want my joy to be based on what is certain, true and imperishable. Following you is like that for me. 

When I focus on you and your glory, I am filled with joy despite my ailing body and challenging circumstances. Your glorious presence never disappoints me. 

Sometimes I am sad about the way things are going. But then you enter in and overshadow my pain with your soothing presence. I want to spend my days enjoying the endless adventure of getting to know you better. Your incomparable beauty brings another opportunity today to move around the next bend in the road and witness the dazzling sunrise of your love.

Consume my heart and mind with the reality of who you are. Give me a fresh sense of your faithfulness.

There have been times recently when I was face down in the mire of my pain. But, as I cried out to you, you gathered up my sorrow and infused me with your comfort and joy. 

That is my hope. That is my future. Not a pain-free existence. But limitless life, filled with your presence. 

Thank you that you are unchanging. Thank you that you cannot be less than perfectly glorious today, tomorrow and forever. I choose to count on you, my God who never fails.
I love you,
My child,
Sometimes you look at the discipline of making time for me as labor. But enjoying my presence (as you are doing now) is the fruit of that labor – like delicious, freshly picked blackberries off the vine of your morning.

By the power of my Spirit, resist all things that wrestle for your attention, in order to have this space. That is the ultimate investment of your time. Have you ever been dissatisfied because you invested in our relationship? We both know the answer to that question. I am the only one who can truly satisfy your deepest longings, and our connection will continue to grow richer over time.

You will never exhaust the lavish blessings of knowing me. My beauty is infinite. The perfect pleasure of my presence inexhaustible!

Remember diving into the crystal clear, azure waters of the Caribbean. When you had that opportunity as a young woman, you crooned in delight as you discovered one opulent treasure in my ocean after another.

That is how it is when you choose to whole heartedly explore my presence. I will draw you into the next gorgeous expression of who I am, one day after another – forever. 

Stay close. I am your richest reality. As you follow me, never-ending life awaits you. 
I love you,

photo: iakov

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