"Love Letter Exchange with God - Written All Over Your Face"

Good Afternoon,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com 
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Written All Over Your Face"

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

My child,
As you bask in my beauty and contemplate my glory, you are transformed. Increasingly my image will burn more brightly in you.

Let me help you shed what hinders the display of my glory in your life. You don’t need those veils. Don’t cling to them. I am removing the layers of sin that obscure my light in you.

The more those veils are removed the more evident my light will be. When you choose to enjoy my presence and become more like me, each day will be richer than the last. 

When you don’t choose me, I don’t leave you. But your sin will shroud my beauty in you. I know you want to enjoy my magnificence and share it with others. 

Choose me moment by moment today, and my radiance will be written all over your face.
I love you,

My Abba,
When my circumstances captivate my attention, I can sometimes be deceived into believing that they have the power to make or break me. They are sly con artists with convincing arguments claiming this latest chapter of my life will define me. 

I don’t want to pretend against reality. I just don’t want to give the events in my life more power than they are due. I don’t want to look like, or become, my circumstances.

In the midst of the shifting sand of my situation, I want to be immersed in your peace and love, transformed by your presence, because I can’t take my eyes off of you. 

I realize I am the most luminous version of myself when your glory illuminates my unveiled face from within. I want to lead the kind of life that causes people to praise you because of the way you shine through me. 

I want others to see your beauty and be drawn to you. I desire the unveiled face of a child who adores her Maker. Please shine through me with ever-increasing glory. 

I know the more I invest in our connection, the more I am altered. If I am changed by the human company I keep, how much more so, when I spend my time with you – my Creator God and the Love of my life? 

Please revive me with your endless joy and beauty today. 
I love you,

photo: ulkas

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