"Love Letter Exchange with God - Over the Moon"

Good Morning,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

“Over the Moon”
“I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.” John 17:22-23
My child,
Through Christ you have been given my glory. Because my Spirit resides in you, I have given you a combination of my qualities that are distinctive and beautiful. When you embrace those qualities, your soul better reflects my glory.

I want the gift of my presence in you to create unsurpassed unity between you, me, and others who have communion with me through my Son. People will be enthralled when they see my children walking together in unconditional love, joy and grace.

Imagine a throng of believers fervently following me down a busy street. What if they were all colors, shapes, ages and backgrounds but joyfully moved in rhythm with each other? What if they eagerly carried those who had been knocked down, enthusiastically served those who limped, and gladly sang over those who needed courage to press on?

What if all the observers sensed that this motley group of sojourners was unique in all the world because they fearlessly adored each other and me? What if they spent their energy strengthening, inspiring and nurturing each other through the power of my Spirit? Do you think that would turn some heads and hearts?

There is nothing more captivating than authentic love. I know it is difficult for you to fathom that I love you as much as I love my own Son. But I am not capable of second-class love. I can only love one way – infinitely, perfectly.

Truly, there is not adequate language to describe my flawless, unrelenting love for you. But let’s try some of your language that might give you a little better sense of my love.

Remember, I will always know you better than you know yourself and I am wild about you! I am over the moon for you! I am crazy about you!

Bask in my endless love for you today and you will be transformed. As you are nourished by my love, you also will love others with a supernatural love that can only come from me.
I love you,
My Abba,
The idea of you giving me even a glimmer of your radiant beauty, your glory, makes me feel delighted, grateful and baffled all at the same time. As my responses mingle, adoration for you springs from my heart.

How astounding your desire is to be forever joined with us, pouring out your love and glory through us! You are flawless and yet, through Christ, you made a way for the flawed to be perfectly and endlessly connected to you. Glorious God, my heart rejoices in your presence today!

Please polish away the soul soot that dulls your radiance in me. I want the sparkle of your love to spill out on others as I walk with you.

Let your unconditional love for my brothers and sisters in Christ flow unimpeded through me. I want to walk in your forgiveness, grace and love with all of those you put in my life. Please show me, in a clearer way today, what that looks like.

Thank you for continuing to reveal your fierce, untamed love to me. Thank you for using familiar language to communicate with me. It does help open my eyes and heart to the delight of your love.

I know I cannot love you the way you love me. My love for you will never be perfect. But thank you that as you nourish my heart every day, my devotion to you is always vital and growing.
I love you,

photo: y. kumsri

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